Frontread login
Log på med UNI•Login. Skift til FRONTREAD. UNI-Login. Version 5.0.0. DAN, ENG, DEU, NOR. DAN. DAN. ENG. DEU. NOR. offline.
Frontpage – FrontRead
More than 800 texts spread out over 4 languages · Education Do you want to use FrontRead in your class like 1.000 other schools? · Personal Do you want to learn …
How does FrontRead work? Education Do you want to use FrontRead in your class like 1.000 other schools? Read more Order a trial license Personal Do you want to learn how to read faster and remember the read content better? Read more Buy license Blog Go to the blog News Go to News
Frontread-app – FrontRead
FrontRead App FrontRead har fået ny hjemmeside. Du kan finde app’en ved at …
FrontRead App FrontRead har fået ny hjemmeside. Du kan finde app’en ved at følge linket herunder. Klik her
Frontread Administration
Username: Password: Log in.
Quick start guide – FrontRead
Go to; Type in the username and password that has been e-mailed to you. To create an entire group of users, select the button at the …
Welcome to FrontReads Quick Start Guide I’m a teacher and I need to set up my class: Go to Type in the username and password that has been e-mailed to you. To create an entire group of users, select the button at the top called “Create group from spreadsheet.” If you would rather create
Order personal edition – FrontRead
In order to use the app you need a login and a password. You’ll receive this by mail when you order the program. The license costs £50. You order by filling …
Yes please, I’d like to order FrontRead FrontRead is a unique online training course, that improves your students reading speed and comprehension as well as provide them with better strategies and approaches to reading. The app is available through Apple’s Appstore, or by accessing it through any browser via the following link: In
Dataaftale – FrontRead
Det flueben er tegn på accept af at UNI-Login godt må videregive oplysninger til … Dataaftalens indhold er specificeret i FrontReads databehandleraftale.
Dataadgang og databehandleraftale I forbindelse med den nye databehandlingsforordning (GDPR) er der kommet nogle nye krav til hvordan man giver samtykke til at andre må opbevare og behandle ens data. Det betyder at hvis en tredjepart (FrontRead) skal have brugeroplysninger fra UNI-Login, så skal der gives eksplicit samtykke fra en repræsentant (en UNI-Login Tilslutningsadministrator). I
Order trial – FrontRead
The app includes an administration login, so you can plan your students courses and keep an eye on their progress. FrontRead adapts to each students level …
Yes please, I’d like to order FrontRead for my school FrontRead is a unique online training course, that improves your students reading speed and comprehension as well as provide them with better strategies and approaches to reading. You can experience FrontRead for your school or institution for free. We offer a four week trial
Studietilbud til studerende – FrontRead
5) Download FrontRead på din iPad og login, eller login fra FrontReads hjemmeside under ”Mit FrontRead”. Dette får du med i pakken:.
Studietilbud til studerende Ja tak, jeg vil gerne bestille FrontRead FrontRead er et unikt online træningsforløb, der træner læsehastighed, tekstforståelse, arbejdshukommelse og udvikler dine læsestrategier. Du kan enten bestille en licens til dig selv og få 25% rabat, eller bestille sammen med din studiegruppe (min. 5 personer) og få 50% rabat. Hent appen ned på
Support – FrontRead
Are you using a Chromebook, iPad or PC? What operating system did the problem occur in (Windows, iOS etc.) At what time during the day did you encounter the …
Support You can reach our support during our opening hours every Monday to Friday between 8 am and 4 pm at +45 2682 1500. Alternatively feel free to send us an email by writing to If you contact us, please have the following information at hand to make it easier for the support
Keywords: frontread login, frontread app,